Saturday, November 24, 2012

私の ワトペド ラブ

この うたに 出会ったとき、私は ワトペド ラブを よんでいた。
そんなにそれを 愛します。

Once upon a time, in the middle of the night,
A girl and a shark got up to fight.

They are so different yet so much alike,
He is hopelessly doomed,
Whilst she glows and shines.

She walks gracefully in the dark,
Ignoring the constant danger,
Oblivious to the watching Shark.

She dances around bringing joy and smiles,
To those pained hearts,
She considered worthwhile.

She believes in soul mates,
She believes in love,
But the cruel truth is,
She doesn't have any of those.

The awaiting Shark has lost his soul,
He stupidly thinks,
She can fill the hole.

That empty hole in his chest,
It swallows everything,
Even his own blood and flesh.

The pain had made him numb,
Turning him into a cold monster,
One that doesn't deserve love.

Hurtful words have stamped his spirit,
Scars have marked his body,
Salvation is inaccessible to him,
He is just nobody.

The girl and the Shark must stay apart,
Because he will not wound,
Her precious kind heart.


The Shark hopes for salvation,
Since the day he's found light,
Daring to risk everything,
Just for a taste of delight.

His soul is still marked,
Filled with scars and pain,
But now that he's not alone,
They're nothing but remains.

The girl was stubborn,
Her brightness blinding and strong,
She never gave up,
She kept fighting all along.

She saw beyond that mask of coldness,
She stayed even when she got hurt,
The Shark admired silently,
Her big wonderful spurt.

Staring into those eyes of yours,
That are amazingly blue,
I open my heart to tell yoy,
How much I love you.


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